








【應徵文件】請備齊個人履歷、學術著作目錄、博士論文摘要、及兩位推薦人之姓名與聯絡方式。 聯絡方式:請在2022630日前寄送電子檔案至國立高雄大學應用化學系 周志明 副教授 (cmchou@nuk.edu.tw)。主旨請註明【應徵博士後研究員_XXX(姓名)】。資格符合者,收件後於一週內安排個別面試。

A full-time Post-Doc position available in Prof. Chih-Ming Chou’s group at Department of Applied Chemistry, National University of Kaohsiung to conduct research project supported by the Ministry of Science & Technology. Qualifications: Ph.D. with a strong background and the publication in organic synthesis, metal catalysis, electrochemical catalysis, photoredox catalysis, organic materials, etc. PhD degree in organic chemistry is preferred. The position is available starting from August, 2022. The contract may be extended along with the project progress for another several years depending on the candidate’s performance. The salary and benefit follow the policy of the National University of Kaohsiung. Required documents: CV, publication list, abstract of PhD thesis, and contact of two references. Send you application package to Prof. Chou through email (cmchou@nuk.edu.tw) by the day of June 30st 2022. We will schedule for an interview with potential candidates in a week.

