


Chen, I.-W. P.; Fu, M.-D.; Tseng, W.-H.; Chen, C.-h.; Chou, C.-M.; Luh, T.-Y.,2007,The effect of molecular conformation on single molecule conductance: measurements of

pi-conjugated oligoaryls by STM break junction,Chem. Commun. ,29,pp3074-3076 (SCI)

學年度 2007
期刊等級 SCI
論文名稱(篇名) The effect of molecular conformation on single molecule conductance: measurements of pi-conjugated oligoaryls by STM break junction
期刊名 Chem. Commun.
出版日期 2007-05-17
期數 29
起頁 3074
迄頁 3076
總頁數 3
全部作者 Chen, I.-W. P.; Fu, M.-D.; Tseng, W.-H.; Chen, C.-h.; Chou, C.-M.; Luh, T.-Y.
著作人數 6
作者型態 Other
使用語言 英文

